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Journey with the Image Keys

We are all so much more than we have traditionally been led to believe… we are all magnificent Spiritual Beings experiencing life in a physical body!

For many of us on the planet at this time, the opportunity, the challenge and the excitement is to AWAKEN aspects of ourselves which have always been present within us, but have been sleeping. Everything we need is within us… we are children of the Divine Creator… we simply need to activate what we already carry, and connect with our passion and purpose in life.

In order to awaken our full potential, we need to raise our frequency… this means shifting from a place of fear, anger and pain to Love, Peace and Joy. As we make this shift, our frequency rises and so does our level of consciousness.

The Image Keys are a series of channeled images based in Sacred Geometry and Crystal Energies, guided by Archangels and painted by myself, Barbara Evans.  These images are both my passion and my life work; they have been brought into the world at this particular time to assist Humanity to “Transform” through Awakening to our Full and True Potential.

The Image Keys contain within them codes, to help us awaken the parts of ourselves that have been sleeping. The codes help us to release our fear and pain, at the same time we begin to get in touch with our passions, our gifts and our joy. This awakening process happens in steps and stages, so that we can make these important adjustments at a rate that feels comfortable to us.

The simplest way to work with the Image Keys is through the Messages of Universal Wisdom: Empowerment Cards, which incorporate eighteen images with accompanying key words and inspirational messages. Furthermore, they are easy to carry and can be available at any time.

For those who have never worked with an inspirational Card Deck on a daily basis … it is actually very simple … and fun!

Shuffle the 36 cards that form the body of the card deck.

Think of a question in your mind… such as:

  • Which Card will best support me through my day today?
  • What do I most need to know?
  • Which card offers the antidote to this particular challenge I am experiencing?

Then choose a card…

My question this morning (August 4, 2012) … What is the message that the Empowerment Cards have for the readers of this Blog?

The Card that stepped forward is FreedomImage Key #11Creating the New Dream. This is a very powerful message… Know you are free to create your Highest Dream.

The vibrations that this image radiate, assist us to connect with the inner knowing that we are the creator of our life… and provide energetic support as we allow joy and passion to guide us to our Divine Gifts,  discover the role these gifts are to play in our lives, and then bring our highest dreams into manifestation. Creating the New Dream is a major player within the Image Keys and I am delighted that this is the message for all of you reading this blog!!!

Creating the New Dream holds great support from the Archangels … Archangel Raphael channeled healing energy into the deep green background. Archangel Michael, well known as the Archangel of  protection, channeled blessings into the golden flecks within the white surrounding the central geometry. Archangel Ariel channeled beautiful vibrations into the pink found close to the center. Archangel Metatron added his energy within the radiating platinum rays. The blessings of the Divine Father are found within the gold, top center, the Divine Mother in the silver, bottom center, and St Germain within the purple.

Many people have fallen in love with this Image Key and it is one of the most popular prints for homes, healing centers and businesses.

December 2012 is the end of a 26,000 year Grand Cycle and the beginning of a New Grand Cycle. It is a time like no other, and we have an amazing opportunity to Awaken, and to create Peace, Beauty and Joy, both within our own lives and within the world.

Many tools are available to assist us with this process… the Image Keys and Messages of Universal Wisdom: Empowerment Cards are my contribution – I hope you will enjoy them, and benefit from them.

If you want to know more, there is a vast amount of information within the Crystal Wings Healings Healing Art website, including a calendar of Workshops, Expos and Presentations. I will also be participating in “A Course in Courage Victory Tour”, details of which are to be announced soon.

I encourage you to follow us on Facebook, and if you have specific questions please email

Love and Blessings
