Rays of Creation Book


This “how-to” guide takes the reader on a rich journey, exploring the gifts presented by the Rays of Creation, and uncovering new realms of possibility, wonder and manifestation.

The book, which is a co-creation between Barbara Evans and Jenny Davis, outlines an energetic Pathway to Wholeness and Vibrant Health, using the Rays of Creation to awaken us to our Wholeness and allow us to reclaim precious gifts and talents, including physical health and emotional  wellbeing. Barbara is the creator of the Rays of Creation and Jenny is a highly gifted Practitioner with extensive experience using the Rays of Creation Healing System™.

The book is highly illustrated and charts the creation and significance of the 12 Rays of Creation, with an extensive description of each Ray’s properties, use and benefits. Special attention is given to the Master Key, Heart of Divinity, and the complementarity of this new healing system with other energy healing modalities.
