Sacred Sound: Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls
Crystal Wings Healing Art™ is honored to be an official Crystal Tones® Partner and to have established a new Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowl® Temple on the Connecticut Shore in Madison CT.
Barbara Evans, founder of Crystal Wings Healing Art and creator of the new energy healing modality, Art of Raising Frequency™ has worked with Crystal Tones since 2004. The Alchemy Crystal Singing Bowls are integral to Barbara’s High Vibrational Art, and the magical synergy of sacred geometry and sound is a fundamental key to the continuing evolution of Art of Raising Frequency as a premier energy healing approach.
Barbara has used her vast experience with crystal singing bowls, together with channeled intuition, to help find perfect bowls and bowl combinations that will enhance spiritual growth and healing, and which will create a magnificent harmony with any chosen art prints, healing discs or energy healing tools from the Crystal Wings Healing Art inventory.
We specialize in carefully harmonized trios of Crystal Singing Bowls, although individual bowls are also available. Each set is a powerful tool for vibrational sound healing. Bringing one of these sets into your life will undoubtedly be game-changing at both personal and professional levels.
Over 50 crystal singing bowls are on display, and available for purchase, in Barbara’s studio in the beautiful town of Madison on the Connecticut shore. They may be viewed at the studio by appointment, or by Zoom videoconference. They are also featured heavily in Barbara’s on-line events and workshops – for the 2024 calendar visit the Events Page.
A sample of current offerings is shown below. Contact Barbara to find the perfect match for you!

“Clearing The Path” Trio

Anchored by the immense Azeztulite, Platinum, Lavendar Aura Gold bowl, this incredible trio offers “no nonsense” frequencies that resonate a confident and courageous positivity. The powerful trio transmutes negative energies and supports action in all its forms. Feel the overwhelming message… “Let’s do This!” The 3 bowls are…
Emerald, Palladium Alchemy 7” (Tone F—50)
Azeztulite, Platinum, Lavendar Aura Gold Alchemy 9” (Tone C—45)
Sugilite, Platinum, Ocean Gold Alchemy 6” (Tone A—35)
“Universal Connection” Trio

Swirling and prolonged celestial vibrations are a feature of this superb trio. Feel the Universal frequencies become grounded into every cell of your being, promoting a deep sense of connection with “All That Is”. The 3 bowls are…
Peridot, Palladium Alchemy 7” (Tone G# -10)
Ruby, Platinum Alchemy 7” (Tone E-20)
Lemon Angel Gold Fire Element Alchemy 9” (Tone B—35)
“Enlightened and Aligned” Trio

An insightful harmonic symphony, these 3 bowls sing beautifully together, conspiring to produce a valuable sacred space in which we can deeply connect with, and align with, the awareness, intuition and insight that will fuel the creation of our highest dreams. The 3 bowls are…
Emerald, Platinum Alchemy 6” (Tone A—35)
Citrine, White Light Aura Gold 7” (Tone F—45)
Palladium Limited Edition Fire Element 9” (Tone D—45)
“Gentle Transformation” Trio

This delightful trio resonates with serenity and an uplifting sense of being able to “rise above the chaos” and successfully overcome any of life’s challenges. Collectively, the trio is a powerful instrument of transformative change (driven by the moldavite bowl) with a safety net provided by the loving and graceful frequencies of the Rose Quartz and Ocean Indium bowls. This safety net helps ensure the overall effect is a gentle, safe and effective transformation. The 3 bowls are…
Moldavite Alchemy 7” (Tone F#+ 35: Supports the High Heart Chakra and Immune System)
Rose Quartz, White Light Angel Gold Alchemy 8” (Tone D + 40: Supports the Sacral Chakra)
Ocean Indium Alchemy 9” (Tone B—35: Supports the Crown Chakra)
“Carefree Delight” Trio

An amazing trio whose swirling, persistent frequencies recreate an almost child-like state of playfulness, wonderment and Joy. The multiple alchemies create a powerful synergy, opening the Heart to giving and receiving Love, while inviting us to revisit our biggest childhood dreams, revel in their joyful creation, and bring them to manifestation. The end result… truly, carefree delight!
Emerald, Platinum Alchemy 6” (Tone A# – 40: Supports the Pituitary and Pineal Glands)
Ocean Indium, Pink Ocean Gold Alchemy 7” (Tone F # + 50: Supports the High Heart Chakra and Immune System)
Mother of Platinum Alchemy 8” (Tone C# +25: Supports endocrine glands associated with the reproductive system)
“Harmony and Wellbeing” Trio

This lovely trio offers gently uplifting, swirling frequencies that support emotions of comfort and wellbeing. Each tone supports an aspect of the endocrine system that is vital to maintaining health and wellness. In addition, the cornerstone Emerald, Platinum, White Light Angel Gold bowl has a powerful alchemic mix that offers a tonal waterfall of the flowing, healing Heart. The 3 bowls are…
Emerald, Platinum, White Light Angel Gold Alchemy 9” (Tone A# + 45: Supports Pituitary and Pineal Glands)
Aqua Aura Gold, Platinum 7” (Tone F # + 30: Supports the High Heart Chakra and the Immune System)
Egyptian Blue, Platinum Alchemy 8” (Tone D# +25: Supports the adrenal glands)
Individual Bowls

#1 Itoigawa Jade7″ Tone F-45: (Supports the Heart Chakra). Itoigawa Jade, Japan’s national stone, is a symbol of wealth and success… use its frequencies to energize your creativity and empower yourself to take charge and create the life you have always wanted. At the same time, it is a heart-centric bowl via the tone F.
#2 Rhodochrosite, Platinum Alchemy Morph 7” Tone E + 15: (Supports the Solar Plexus Chakra). A great all-purpose bowl for enhancing confidence and self-esteem (via Tone E), and for accessing the Love and Joy held within our Hearts (Rhodochrosite).
#3 Shungite, Palladium 8″ Tone F – 45: (Supports the Heart Chakra). An amazing utility bowl that is great for clearing negative energy and for grounding and stability (Shungite alchemy), while at the same time stimulating the loving frequencies of the Heart (F Tone).
#4 Mother of Platinum, Ocean Gold Alchemy 7” Tone G# + 45: (Activates the Zeal Point Chakra). This bowl sings so sweetly! Mother of Platinum is a natural fusion of clear quartz and platinum that embodies the spirit energy of Venus, Goddess of Love. The bowl vibrates to G#, a tone that activates the zeal point chakra at the head/spine junction. This may be associated with awakening elevated powers, ranging from the spiritual (e.g. heightened consciousness and intuition) to the emotional (inspiration and enhanced sense of purpose) and physical (e.g. increased energy and sense of wellbeing). We regard this as a bowl to support raising of frequency.
#5 Indigo, Palladium 9″ Tone E + 45: (Supports the Root Chakra). Stabilizing, grounding and uplifting… a quantum healing tool to help clear the mind and free us of past negativity. A great starter bowl.
#6 Kyanite, Platinum 8″ Tone F – 40: (Supports the Heart Chakra). Kyanite is a great alchemy for clearing negative energy… combined with the Heart activation via the F Tone, this is a beautiful all purpose bowl.
#7 Black Tourmaline, Platinum 7″ Tone D# – 30: (Supports the Adrenal Glands). A powerhouse of grounding, positive frequencies (Black Tourmaline) which also helps counter stress and fatigue associated with adrenal depletion (Tone D#).
#8 Black Tourmaline, Frosted, Inside 8″ C – 35: (Supports the Root Chakra). A double dose of grounding and negative energy clearing (Black Tourmaline and Tone C). The ultimate bowl to bring stability and a sense of safety.